Welcome! Our friendly and experienced dentist and team are dedicated to providing you with the individual, high-quality care you need to enjoy your smile throughout your life. Your oral health is our highest priority, and you can always expect us to take the time to understand your needs and provide you with personalized treatment plans.
Call or visit us today to learn more and schedule your appointment with Dr. Michael Dyer!

Dr. Michael Dyer
Dr. Dyer is here to listen to you and provide solutions to your dental concerns. You are the owner of your oral health, and he is dedicated to ensuring that you receive the care you need to enjoy optimal oral health at all times. He believes in doing what is right for the patient, and will work closely with you to provide you with personal care tailored to your unique needs. Dr. Dyer received his dental degree from Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, Oregon. He enjoys continuing education and is always working to learn new skills and provide his patients with the latest treatments and techniques. Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment with our dentist in Georgetown, Texas!